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Why I love working for Bury – Sonia’s story

What do you love about being a social worker?

“I get a tremendous sense of satisfaction from seeing a young person who has been placed with a foster carer. They come on so much. They can hold a conversation, they are much more settled, they are smiling, happy – that gives a great sense of fulfilment.

We want our children to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background, race, class or culture.

We can give children and young people a voice and options, give them aspirations, give them the same rights as everyone else, we can help them achieve their dreams.”

What’s good about working in Bury?

“We get so much support, from the development team, from management – you never feel alone.

We have the opportunity as social workers to achieve, there are so many opportunities.

I’ve worked in Bury for 25 years and it feels like a big family really. I feel proud to say I am a children’s social worker.”

Find out more about Sonia’s story in our film.